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// 6) Place the widget on your website and start earning money! function load_odesk_xml($url='') { set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); // In the next version we'll put together an options menu, for now please change the variables manually below: //******Variables You Can Change************ $PID = "3525046"; // Your CJ Publisher ID. Go to 'Account" and then "Web site settings" in your account to find your PID. If you don't change this to your own PID, you won't get credited for any commissions that these provider links generate! $skill_keyword = 'iphone'; //keyword to search for in provider titles (use plus signs instead of spaces) $job_category_lvl_1 = 'Software+Development'; //high level category (use plus signs instead of spaces) $job_category_lvl_2 = 'Mobile+Apps'; //low level category (use plus signs instead of spaces) $minimum_feedback_rating = '4'; //The minimum number of stars a Provider must have to be shown $minimum_hour_worked = '1'; //The minimum number of hours a Provider must have worked, ever, to be shown //******End of Variables You Can Change****** //******Dont change anything below this line unless you REALLY know what you are doing*** $url .= $skill_keyword.'&c1='.$job_category_lvl_1.'&ac=0&c2='.$job_category_lvl_2.'&fb='.$minimum_feedback_rating.'&hrs='.$minimum_hour_worked.'&ir=yes&to=yes'; $doc = new DOMDocument(); $rand_offset = floor(mt_rand(1,10)); //for choosing a random page $doc->load($url.'&page='.$rand_offset); $default_provider_image = ''; $rand_num = floor(mt_rand(0,9)); $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); $nodes = $xpath->evaluate("//provider", $doc); $count = 0; for ($i = $rand_num; $i <= $rand_num + 2; $i++) { $provider_name = $nodes->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('contact_name')->item(0)->nodeValue; $provider_title = $nodes->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('ui_profile_title')->item(0)->nodeValue; $provider_img = $nodes->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('dev_portrait')->item(0)->nodeValue; $provider_url = $nodes->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('ciphertext')->item(0)->nodeValue; $cj_url = str_replace('~~','',$provider_url); $provider_country = $nodes->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('dev_country')->item(0)->nodeValue; if ($provider_img != "") {//if the Provider has an image in their profile, then show it echo ' '.$provider_name.' - '.$provider_country.' '.$provider_title.' '; }else{//otherwise show the default image echo ' '.$provider_name.' - '.$provider_country.' '.$provider_title.' '; } } } ?>
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